When a car accident happens, it can be a disruptive and traumatic experience. It’s common to be shaken up and need time to regain your composure. If you are not too badly injured, it is important to center yourself quickly … Continue reading
Social media has become central to many of our lives. The average person spends more than two hours a day on social media. You probably found this article on a social media platform. As a personal injury attorney, I have strong opinions … Continue reading
Most drivers know that if they are involved in a car accident someone else has caused, then the at-fault driver’s auto liability insurance will pay for their losses. However, Virginia drivers are sometimes involved in car accidents with motorists who do not … Continue reading
Are you an accident victim? After a car accident, it is not uncommon for drivers and others involved to begin pointing fingers. After all, car crashes are costly, regardless of whether one expects insurance to pay for vehicle repairs, medical … Continue reading
Teens get into more car accidents because they are less experienced drivers. Teen drivers are more likely to make mistakes or take risks such as speeding, driving while distracted, or drinking and driving. Most teen driving accidents are single-vehicle accidents, the Virginia Department of Motor … Continue reading
Adverse driving conditions contribute to more than 20 percent of car accidents each year, the Federal Highway Administration (FHA) says. Weather-related crashes cause nearly 5,000 deaths and more than 418,000 injuries. The vast majority of weather-related crashes occur during or immediately after rainfall, … Continue reading
Any time you are the driver of a car involved in an accident in Virginia that injures someone or damages property, you are required to report the accident to state or local police and, when possible, to the person injured … Continue reading
If you are in a car accident while driving your own car, you probably already know what to do. You call the police, exchange information with the other vehicle driver and notify your insurance company. Of course, you should also seek medical … Continue reading
Have you ever sat behind the wheel of your car while you were feeling a bit too tired to drive? According to a recent report from AutoBlog.com, millions of Americans engage in this risky behavior every day. A drowsy driving study conducted by … Continue reading
Lawmakers recently introduced bills for the Virginia General Assembly’s “short session” that focus on preventing car accidents, injuries and deaths on our state’s roads. Our law firm protects the rights of accident victims and their families throughout Central Virginia and the Shenandoah Valley. … Continue reading