straight | curves | hills | final

Reckless Driving or
Wreck-Less Driving?
Make the Right Choice.

Think you can be distracted behind the wheel and still drive safely? Maybe you should put your skills to the test. You may think twice in the future about eating, drinking or using a phone while driving.

After the game, sign the pledge to stay focused while driving and challenge your friends!

You got distracted.
Now let's look at the facts.

Drivers in their 20s make up 27 percent of the distracted drivers in fatal crashes.


Five seconds is the average time your eyes are
off the road while texting.

When traveling at 55mph, that's enough time to cover the
length of a football field blindfolded. (2009, VTTI)

10% of drivers
under the age of 20
involved in fatal crashes were reported
as distracted at the time of the crash.

This age group has the largest proportion of
drivers who were distracted.

Driver distraction is a factor in about 4 million motor vehicle crashes in North America each year


In Virginia, 377 teenagers, aged 15-19, were injured in alcohol-related crashes, 0.59 percent of the total (63,384) traffic injuries

(DMV Virginia 2014)

9 is the Number of Americans killed every day from motor vehicle accidents that involved distracted driving, such as using a cellphone, texting or eating.

Pledge to Never Be Distracted While Driving.

Challenge your friends on Facebook and spread the pledge to never be distracted while driving!


Check out these resources to learn more about the problem of distracted driving and what is being done to solve it:
  • EndDD This national organization was started by the parents of a teen who died in distracted driving crash. The organization helps safety advocates to give presentations to schools.
  • Stop the Texts. Stop the Wrecks. The Ad Council and National Highway Traffic Safety Administration partnered to launch this campaign. You can find plenty of materials at the campaign website to help spread the word about the dangers of texting while driving.
  • DRIVE SMART Virginia This statewide organization partners with schools, law enforcement and transportation officials to raise awareness of dangerous driving and change driver behaviors. The group hosts the annual Distracted Driving Summit.
  • Partners for Safe Teen Driving This is a community health initiative that seeks to reduce teen auto accidents, injuries and deaths by working closely with schools and communities. A major focus is on eliminating distracted driving crashes involving teen drivers.

© 2025 Kendall Law firm, All Rights Reserved.
A big thank you to Jake Gordon at Code inComplete for the original code for this game.

Use the arrow keys to drive the car.

0 mph Time: 0.0 Last Lap: 0.0 Fastest Lap: 0.0
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